Frequently Asked Questions

What is VA Claim File Sorter?

An online platform that organizes VA claim files into subfolders and renames primary documents.

What does it cost?

$59 flat rate per claim file (no page limit) and the first file is free.

Is it secure?

Very. Files are encrypted from start to finish. The program is hosted on Amazon Web Service using US-based servers. This is the same platform used by countless hospitals, banks, and major companies to store and process their sensitive information. No human other than you ever sees or has access to your files.

How long does it take?

Less than an hour from upload to download.

But I already have a paralegal doing this.

Their time (and human brain) is too valuable to skim and rename documents. Retask them to review medical records or perform other more value-added tasks.

How does it handle Supplemental Claims?

VA Form 21-0996 Supplemental Claims are currently always categorized as a claim application, not an appeal. It’s up to the user to identify which of those were filed within a year of a rating decision. We’re working on additional natural language processing features to identify the correct effective date for supplemental claims.